OG. Blog Post 70

OG. Posepack:

OG. The Attic - Tres Chic
Pencil included!


Onsu ~ "Woodford" House - MP
Apple Fall Creative Studio Collection - Mainstore
Apple Fall Winnie's To Go Coffee - Mainstore
Apple Fall Autumn Sketchbook - Mainstore
Apple Fall Pumpkin - Musquee Stacked - Mainstore
Apple Fall Books w/ Camera - Mainstore
Apple Fall Autumn Sketchbook - Mainstore
dust bunny . wiccan book stack - Mainstore
dust bunny . cider sunsets . sweater weather - Mainstore
Fancy Decor: Uber Rug - Mainstore
hive // potted plants . cordyline tree - MP


Hair: S-CLUB Hepburn hair 010422 FATPACK - Mainstore
Earrings: [POM] Claire Earrings - Mainstore
Top: SEUL - Falen Tank - Blanc - Mainstore
Jogging: POX - Pkims.Sweats in Cocoa - Mainstore
Sneakers: [MERCH] Bone Runners - Fatpack - Mainstore


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